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What is the CAT-Yorkville Pathway?

Centre for Arts and Technology (CAT) and the University of Yorkville have partnered to create a seamless way for graduates of CAT’s Advanced Diploma in Interior Design and Technology to continue their education (either online or in-person) and graduate with a Bachelor of Interior Design (BID)! A BID is a great asset to have and can open new doors to industry certifications as a Registered Interior Designer (RID).

Who Qualifies to Take the CAT-Yorkville Pathway?

CAT students and alumni from the Advanced Diploma in Interior Design and Technology are eligible to apply for this pathway.

Why Should You Take the CAT-Yorkville Pathway?

This pathway is a great option for graduates of our AIDT program who:

  • Wish to carry on their learning and obtain a BID
  • Want the option to experience living and learning in another province
  • Want to learn additional skills to diversify career and certification options
  • Is an international student seeking a post-graduate work permit

Plan Your Pathway

Step 1

Complete CAT Program

With the goal of a BID in mind, you’ll complete your AIDT program at CAT and gather all resources needed to apply to Yorkville’s degree program.

Complete CAT Program

With the goal of a BID in mind, you’ll complete your AIDT program at CAT and gather all resources needed to apply to Yorkville’s degree program.

Step 2

Yorkville Bachelor’s Degree

As a graduate from CAT’s AIDT program, you can transfer your 72 CAT course credits to Yorkville’s BID program. Yorkville offers the BID program online or in-person, and those interested in this pathway program can choose their preferred delivery style. Yorkville’s online BID program is also the only online program in Canada to be CIDA-accredited, meaning you get the option to enjoy all the convenience of online learning and still meet industry certification requirements!

Step 3

Enter the Workforce

After the full completion of this pathway, you’ll have an advanced diploma and a bachelor’s degree in hand, ready to take on your Interior Design career!

Note for International Students – after completion of the Advanced Diploma in Business Management, or the Bachelor of Business Administration, you may now apply for a post-graduate work permit.

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